Conbini Wars

What is convenience? I have 2 grocery stores within 10 blocks of my house, and 50 within a 5 minute drive of my house. Not to mention the 2 malls, and bazillions of rice shops, liquour stores and a few drug stores. But if I want something now, that is just not convenient enough. Luckily I don't have to walk 10 blocks to get popcicles or fried potatoes or a sandwich or a pair of underwear. There are Convenience Stores much closer. If I walk 6 blocks south I can go to Circle K, or 6 blocks north I can go to Family Mart. I tend to go to Family Mart when I need a quick fix of pop, or booze or to pay my bills. But six blocks is sooo far and not really "convenient". I needed to pay a bill this morning, so I stumbled out the door first thing to trek the entire 6 blocks to FM. I had gone about 2 blocks when I literally stumble over a 7-11. Hey, this wasn't here 2 weeks ago. I gawked at it in my morning grogginess, but kept on walking. I guess I just didn't trust that it was real. Maybe I was still dreaming. But when I walked by it again on my way home it was still there. But two blocks is still so far away. Lawson's and MiniStop are in a bidding war to put a conbini in my foyer. Now that will be convenient.