Rampant Swear Word Alert
Well, I fucked up today. I fucked up my dimbulb class good. First of all I didn't send the worksheet to Mr. M. after I created it. So I had to draw something up. It was crap. Then when I got to the CC I realized that I hadn't put all the supplies in the bag to make the damn Valentine's Day cards that I worked so hard to prepare for. Not one single supply. And I didn't have enough time to go back and get them. So I had to improvise bigtime. And then I even forgot to prepare the board once I got to class. Went to do ABC time and realized I hadn't fucking written the ABC's. It went okay and the children enjoyed themselves as usual. I'm just so pissed at myself. Not only did I fuck up once, not twice but three fucking times to fuck up. Okay, I'm done beating myself up. Pulstec went very well indeed with a full house. And the private lesson was a wonderful way to end the day. Just wish I had done a better job.
but perhaps it was better that you consolidated your fuck-ups into one day rather than spreading three fuck-ups over three days
You have a point there. And this is probably the class that least cares about that sort of thing. Very easy to keep them happy.
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