I've Been Forced!
Google finally did it. They forced themselves on me. If I wanted to log onto my blog ever again, they said, I had to start playing by their rules. And give them what they wanted. I really feel like they are the Jack Nicholson character in "The Departed". And I don't see any benefit. Well, I gave them my backup email address, and if I start getting spam I will know it was them. Google has strong armed me. And if I weren't leaving Japan in less than 3 months I would switch my blog somewhere else. Not to mention I wasn't very gung-ho about posting anything in the first place. Oh, ruined the Blogger search engine. You used to be able to put in a word, and only get matches from other Blogger sites. Now you get matches for anything on the web that Google deems a blog...and most of it ain"t blogs. Oooooh, I'm so pissed I could scream. Google Sucks!
Yes Google seems to get worse and worse. I try looking for something and it gives me a lot of crappy rip off sites sites before I can come close to what I am looking for. I hate it. It is trying to become athe monster that ate the internet. Mum
Nice blog.
you can use
site:blogger.com whatever you want
to just search blogger on google.
Best wishes!
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