On Fire
Yesterday did not start out well. I was pissy the entire day before (for no discernable reason) and woke up with the same lousy disposition. When I got to my first BabyKids class there were 6 new students. Which was wonderful. The class got to critical mass, where they have to behave better, because it's just too crowded not to. The class is 11 boys and one little girl. I have already dubbed her Princess Ayumi. The next class went well, too. Came home for the afternoon break and finally cleaned off my balcony. This is a project that has been hanging over my head for months now. And now complete. Such a weight lifted off my shoulders. Then I went back to the CC for LG1. And it went wonderfully. They are really getting it! I'm so happy. And it was just an absolute riot. And I was on fire. I was funny, and brilliant, and instructive. I came away from class on a true high. Aaah, that is the kind of day teaching is all about.
Good going, Teach. Mum
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