Another Relaxing Day
I spent another relaxing day with the Suzukis. This time they took me to the town of Okazaki. According to them there is only one reason to go to Okazaki and that is to the the castle where Tokugawa Ieyasu was born. Of course the castle is a recreation built in the 1950's. The Japanese castles I have seen have all been fairly small and very sparse and it doesn't take long to see them. But they are lovely from the outside, and are usually surrounded by a nice park. So after the brief look around inside we walked around the park and browsed through the nearby museum. Afterwards we went to another park to have a picnic. This park was filled with much less historically significant items. It had a small amusement park and go-cart racetrack. Yuma tried every single ride. It was very relaxing chatting with Mikio and Yoko and watching Yuma dart around. A nice relaxing day, with good weather and good friends. Not a bad way to spend a Sunday in June.
Hi Natalie, Great blog, just stumbled across your site. I notice you're a strong vegetarian too? How do you find the cuisine over there? Is it hard to find vegetarian food? I hear the Japanese have different ideas of vegetarianism to the west, and often include seafood, or even red meats! Thanks, Amy
Being a vegetarian here is brutal. I eat the same things day after day. And I'm lucky, I'm in a town with a couple of foreign food stores. I eat a very boring spaghetti, blah bean burritos, bare nachos, Campbell's vegetarian soup, chili from a box, avacado omlettes, tofu stirfry and grilled cheese sandwiches. The only Japanese food I eat is Inari sushi. But it's a great way to diet.
Wow! I thought I'd be on white rice and (some sort of as yet unknown) green vegies! Reading some of the other blogs, a lot of activities seem to be centred around food. I guess cos it's exotic and Japanese. Hopefully when I go I can bring with me some canned staples so I don't starve! Thanks Natalie!
Heya, My name is Nicole, i stumbled upon your blog and was reading you were eating avacado omlettes in Japan. I am curious to know where you were to get them? Or where you found avacado, my boyfriend is there for a few more months and he hasn't seen anything avacado related. Is it really that hard to be a vegetarian there? I have been one in the US for a while and may have to end up going to live there for some periods of time. Please feel free to email me back at Thank you for your time! Beautiful pictures btw.
Yes, it really is that hard being a vegetarian in Japan. Most people end up going "less strict". Which is a nice way to say that they are social meat eaters. I actually had one Japanese girl tell me she liked me better now that I wasn't strict. Which should offend me a little, but I had already realized that many Japanese felt like that. I also felt like I was missing out on so much of Japan, it was a really hard decision for me.
About the avacado, luckily I find them at any grocery store I go to, so that hasn't been a problem for me. Normally right next to the tomatoes.
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