Natalie Goes to Japan

40 year old very married blonde woman having a midlife crisis who heads to Japan alone to follow her dreams. Be careful what you wish for ... you just may get it.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Taken by Surprise

This week has definately been bittersweet. These are the final classes with a huge number of my students, but we have had a pretty good time on this final day. But saying "Sayonara" to so many cute, smart kids was hard. And Friday classes are my favorites. So having final class with my first 3 classes was a bit melancholy. But I was completely taken by surprise, when at the end of my Smart-As-Whips 4 and 5 year old class I was completely devasted to sing the lousy "Goodbye Song". I was crying. I was trying very hard not to let the kids see, but I failed. And I cried. I'm still a little shocked by how hard I'm taking it. I have to give you the rundown of these gems of students. Syuntaro is an absolute clown. Mai is very proper. Hana is leader of the pack, with a very generous personality and doesn't like to see anyone left out. Maika is a girly-girl who is really advanced in her art skills and creativity. Hiroya will be back (yipee) and if full of beans. Kodai was the first student I ever had serious problems with. My test case, so to speak. I remember he was acting like a maniac and pushed my last button and I grabbed him up and walked into the hall with him. I remember giving him a lecture, which of course he couldn't understand. But he understood that if he didn't behave I was taking him to "Mama". He has been an angel ever since. Akari is energetic and willing to try anything. Kaiyuu has his days and can completely freak out, or get down to business. And Kimika will be back next year. She's currently the class baby. Cries easily, but laughs just as easily. But I expect her to move into a leadership position soon. This class breaks into song and makes up their own games and constantly amazes me with their sweetness. Gee, can you tell I'll miss them?


At 11:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.


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