Natalie Goes to Japan

40 year old very married blonde woman having a midlife crisis who heads to Japan alone to follow her dreams. Be careful what you wish for ... you just may get it.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Emotional Wasteland and Happy Campers

I hate the internet. I just spent an hour and a half looking for graphics, to use to teach the little guys emotions. Crap. Everything on the internet is crap. Except this blog which is a literary masterpiece. All I want are a few nice graphics including Happy, Sad, Angry, Suprised and Confused. This shouldn't be so hard. If anybody out there knows of a good site, or has some great Emotion Graphics or flashcards, or wants to draw up some professional, fun yet pretty emotion drawings I would love to hear from you. On the other hand I had class with my dimbulbs today. And I keep going in and thinking "Now, they aren't as mentally challenged as you make them out to be." But it only takes a short time for me to realize again for the billionth time what thick headed puppies they are. Oh, terribly sweet and fun to play with, but dimbulbs nonetheless. I read them "Wheels on the Bus" and taught them the song afterwards. They were so cute doing the motions, but kids were getting poked in the eyes and it just turned into The Twelve Stooges go to PreSchool English Class. Really, this isn't a song where so many people could get hurt. Well, if nothing else, they do make me smile.


At 5:51 PM, Blogger Delicate Jasmine said...

The only reasonable ones I ever found (and believe me, I looked!) were on Genki English, and I am not a big fan of them, so I made my own. They're not attractive, given that I have the artistic skills of an untalented 7 year old, but they do the trick! Sorry!!

At 1:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Natalie,

The Microsoft Office Clipart page has a humongous collection of high-quality items. They even have a section "Emotions" that you can run sub-searches through. I tried a couple of the ones you were looking for and got good hits. They have a mix of photo/clip art items. I use a lot of their stuff for creating training brochures at work.

Microsoft Emotion ClipArt

Good Luck!

At 5:55 AM, Blogger Natalie said...

Yeah, I saw Genki's and I wasn't impressed either. I hadn't found the MS Clipart. They have lots of great Happy pics, but nothing I liked in Confusion or Sad. But I'm really happy to add it to my repetoire of sites. Thanks.


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