Going Beserk
Uuugh. We had been having much nicer weather for the last week or so and then boom it was gone. I was getting nothing done. The A/C wasn't working as well as it has in the past. I must have hit some button on the remote that keeps the blower part from working. It was so hot in this apartment I was afraid I was gonna pass out. I decided it would be much cooler at the beach. It certainly couldn't be any hotter. So I grabbed my beach bag and a book and headed out to Nakatajima again. It was indeed a whole lot cooler at the beach. The wind off the water was delightful. I sat and watched teenage boys throwing themselves and each other into the crashing surf. I smiled as the sandpipers did their tango with the waves. A father brought his young son out to play in the waves and build sand mounds (couldn't really call them castles). I read my book, watched the waves, drank some gatorade and ate cookies until it got to cold to stay any longer. Can't really say it is a pretty beach. First of all there is garbage strewn everywhere. And the haze over the ocean keeps it all very grey. But it is still the beach. It was only 5:30 when I left, and the sun was still fairly high in the sky, but nonetheless all the beach visitors started leaving. I still have sand stuck between my toes. It's a lovely feeling.
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