Natalie Goes to Japan

40 year old very married blonde woman having a midlife crisis who heads to Japan alone to follow her dreams. Be careful what you wish for ... you just may get it.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Urgent Meeting

On Saturday, before my last class, I got a call from Mr. M. He needed to meet with me, urgent! Could he meet me after my last class? Well, no, I have plans. Can I come to the office Monday, Tuesday would be to late? Yes, I guess I could come in on my day off. So I had all weekend to ruminate about this urgent meeting. Would he give me a new class with only one day preparation? Was I being deported? Had I offended the people at the Tuesday Sony class? So, I survive the anticipation and go to the meeting at the appointed time and place. "August is important, September, too". That is basically what the meeting came down to. His English is not good enough to go into much depth. I think the meeting was about the fact that there had been a few students had left the class after the last teacher left. And that is too be expected. Some folks just loved the last teacher. According to Mr. M. she was "too good". Well, then maybe he should have given her the raise he promised her but failed to ever get around to. So August is important. But, he said he understood the class turnover and that I was doing a good job. August is important. Okey Dokey.


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